Are you uncomfortable with noise and vibration in your environment? Do you want to know where noise disturbances are emanating from, and are in need of a professional to conduct a noise survey? Our noise and vibration assessment procedures meet standards set by local authorities and regulatory bodies.

We utilise a team of experts that are highly skilled when it comes to applying their knowledge of contemporary technology to resolve any noise and vibration issues in Chingford. When you choose AF Acoustics, you are guaranteed excellent service delivery.

Surveys for Noise and Vibration in Chingford

Noise analysis reports are carried out for various reasons. We offer different acoustic survey services suited to different conditions including:

  •  Environmental Noise assessment and evaluation in Chingford
  •  Survey for sound insulation in Chingford
  •  Noise survey for workplace situations in Chingford
  •  Noise assessment for industrial and commercial settings in Chingford
  •  Building noise level measurements in Chingford
  •  Surveillance of construction noise in Chingford

These noise surveys can either cover a specific or widespread area to give you a better understanding of the sound levels at receptors near Chingford. At AF Acoustics, we provide noise surveys and impact assessment for a wide range of projects to support all your planning applications in Chingford. Our network of specialist span across Chingford to ensure you get your noise issues resolved in the quickest time possible.

You can have confidence that we will provide the necessary assumptions whether you’re trying to find out how loud a factory will be for employees, or how noisy your home appliances like air-conditioners will be.

Call us today for a quote on 020 3372 4430
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What Is Involved In The Noise Survey in Chingford?

Most assessments, planning and design work begins with an acoustic survey of the existing environmental noise climate. This is necessary to establish a baseline level and the reasons for the noise to determine how work on the site progresses.

The duration of noise assessments may be for a couple of days so standard acoustic levels of the environment as well as certain fluctuations will be measured accurately. The survey comprises installing sound level meters at strategic points to record noise levels in Chingford. The noise assessment report is provided after the data from the equipment is downloaded and analyzed statistically.

An attended sound survey can however, be conducted in environments where surveillance of the noise source is required. Physical presence is also vital in situations that do not support setting up unattended sound level monitors, and in cases of short term surveys. We usually include a set of attended noise measurements when undertaking automated noise monitoring, in order to sample the variation across the site and measure identified noise sources.

What Is Involved In The Vibration Survey in Chingford?

Vibration Surveys are organised to encompass the concurrent analysis of all possible vibration sources (industrial, railway and tube line activities) that may cause discomfort to people and buildings in nearby areas. It is also conducted where a new infrastructural project is ongoing, to get measurements of baseline levels in order to avoid disturbances in the vicinity.

The extent of vibrations in an area can be measured by attending professionals when the source then becomes known. Automated surveys, with the application of computerised equipment are employed to calculate the baseline sound levels over a number of days.

Also, vibration surveys are conducted on properties to avoid re-radiated noise from equipment that is not correctly installed. At AF Acoustics, we ensure you don’t have sleepless nights due to noise and vibration in your building and general environment. Ring us today on 020 3372 4430 or get in touch through for reliable acoustics consultants in Chingford.

Call us today for a quote on 020 3372 4430
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