Are you searching for an answer to problems concerning noise and vibration? Do you want the help of an acoustic expert in evaluating the noise and vibration causes? Our noise and vibration surveys at AF Acoustics meet the relevant standards set by regulatory bodies and authorities in the UK.

With the help of our highly qualified experts and the latest technology, we can develop effective solutions to your noise and vibration problems in Swiss Cottage. You can trust in our service delivery when you employ our acoustic experts from AF Acoustics.

Noise and Vibration Survey Analysis in Swiss Cottage

Various environmental circumstances require the need for a noise report to be conducted. We deliver a number of different acoustic services, these services include:

  •  Environmental noise assessment in Swiss Cottage
  •  Sound proofing noise survey in Swiss Cottage
  •  Workplace noise survey in Swiss Cottage
  •  Commercial and industrial noise assessment in Swiss Cottage
  •  Infrastructural noise surveys in Swiss Cottage
  •  Construction noise surveillance in Swiss Cottage

The noise assessment can be further adapted to make sure there is full accuracy in the noise level readings of Swiss Cottage. At AF Acoustics, we provide noise surveys and impact assessment for a wide range of projects to support all your planning applications in Swiss Cottage. Wherever your location is, we have expert engineers who can undertake the noise survey and assessments you need, within the shortest period of time.

Whether you’re trying to determine how loud a development site will be to noise, or how loud your air conditioning and kitchen extract fans will be, rest assured we will make the necessary assessments and present the relevant information to you.

Call us today for a quote on 020 3372 4430
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What Happens During The Noise Assessment in Swiss Cottage? 

Most assessments, planning and design work begins with an acoustic survey of the existing environmental noise climate. This is necessary to establish a baseline level and the reasons for the noise to determine how work on the site progresses.

To get a more detailed understanding of normal and varying noise levels in an area, the acoustic survey may take a few days to complete. These automated surveys involve the installation of one or more sound level meters in suitable external locations, to log the incident sound levels in Swiss Cottage. The logs from the noise measurement meters are statistically processed and summarised into a noise assessment report.

Experts can be onsite in certain situations that call for noise causes to be monitored while an assessment is ongoing. This is also important for short duration measurement and locations where the situation does not allow for unattended noise monitoring. To get sample readings of fluctuations across the site, we usually integrate attended sound measurements into our automated processes.

How The Vibration Survey Is Conducted in Swiss Cottage

Locations close to typical sources of vibration such as tube lines, railway traffic, and industrial works are where vibration assessments are normally undertaken. Former typical vibration levels may need to be measured in situations where new construction projects are being carried out in order to minimize inconvenience to neighbours .

Vibration levels are usually measured during a short term attended survey, when the source in question is identified. Automated surveys, with the application of computerised equipment are employed to calculate the baseline sound levels over a number of days.

Vibration levels assessments are also performed on buildings to ensure the services equipment in the building are mounted properly. Our goal at AF Acoustics is to ensure you are not affected by disturbances from noise and vibration. Ring us today on 020 3372 4430 or get in touch through for reliable acoustics consultants in Swiss Cottage.

Call us today for a quote on 020 3372 4430
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