Are you uncomfortable with noise and vibration in your environment? Do you need professionals to carry out a proper survey on the causes of noise in certain areas of your building? Our noise and vibration surveys at AF Acoustics meet the relevant standards set by regulatory bodies and authorities in the UK.

Our experienced professionals apply the use of the most up-to-date technology in evaluating and delivering the best solution to your noise and vibration issues in Whitechapel. Rest assured you’re getting first-rate solutions when you opt for our services at AF Acoustics.

Noise and Vibration Measurement Surveys in Whitechapel

A noise assessment report is needed in a number of cases. We offer different acoustic survey services suited to different conditions including:

  •  Environmental Noise assessment and evaluation in Whitechapel
  •  Survey for sound insulation in Whitechapel
  •  Noise survey for workplace situations in Whitechapel
  •  Noise assessment for industrial and commercial settings in Whitechapel
  •  Building noise level measurements in Whitechapel
  •  Surveillance of construction noise in Whitechapel

These noise surveys can either cover a specific or widespread area to give you a better understanding of the sound levels at receptors near Whitechapel. We provide acoustics surveys that meet any kind of planning application and project in Whitechapel at AF Acoustics. We have reliable noise and vibration experts spread throughout Whitechapel that can help you meet your survey needs quickly.

Whether you’re trying to determine how loud a development site will be to noise, or how loud your air conditioning and kitchen extractor fans will be, rest assured we will make the necessary assessments and present the relevant information to you.

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What Is Involved In The Noise Survey in Whitechapel?

A preliminary survey of present environmental noise levels is normally undertaken at the development stages of most acoustic noise survey projects. The assessment supplies information that shows the typical noise levels and main sources that should be assessed before moving ahead with the project.

The duration of noise assessments may be for a couple of days so standard acoustic levels of the environment as well as certain fluctuations will be measured accurately. These automated surveys involve the installation of one or more sound level meters in suitable external locations, to log the incident sound levels in Whitechapel. The logs from the noise measurement meters are statistically processed and summarised into a noise assessment report.

In surroundings where there needs to be extra surveillance on where the noise is emanating from, an attended survey can be carried out while measurements are recorded. Where unattended noise surveys are not allowed and during surveys that can be conducted over a short period of time, an attended survey is conducted. To get sample readings of fluctuations across the site, we usually integrate attended sound measurements into our automated processes.

How The Vibration Survey Is Conducted in Whitechapel

A vibration survey is typically performed in environments where vibration sources suchrail traffic, or tube line activities may present nuisances to nearby occupants. Baseline vibration levels may however, be required in new construction sites to reduce nuisances around the area.

Vibration levels are usually measured during a short term attended survey, when the source in question is identified. Automated surveys are conducted over a few days to assess typical vibration levels by programmed equipment installed in strategic positions.

Vibration levels measurements are also required for buildings that may have service equipment not correctly installed. We help you eliminate your noise and vibration issues at AF Acoustics to guarantee your peace of mind. Contact us now on 020 3372 4430 or and an expert will be able to assist you immediately in Whitechapel.

Call us today for a quote on 020 3372 4430
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